For four years I have been looking with hatred at the brown mouldy shutters that were already in our bathroom when we bought the house. They clattered every time a breeze blew and looked awful, but the bathroom was so daggy that I guess I just got used to them, and never quite knew what to replace them with.
Then recently we stayed at beautiful Basils Brush (basilsbrush.com.au), a house in the Byron Bay hinterland and I was completely inspired by the gorgeous retro furnishings done by the owner, Kitty. She had made some cute cottagey curtains in some of the rooms and I thought they'd be the perfect way to cheaply and easily replace the terrible bathroom shutters.
I found this cute floral gingham fabric during a harrowing trip to Spotlight with all the kids, and it really only took me an hour or so that night to sew the curtains. I added some little pintucks along the top half just to add some interesting detail. I also left a good size edge along the top hem to create a ruffle when the curtains are drawn back.
I got some clothesline-type cord and little hooks at the hardware shop and it was a really easy job to hang them up. Now I'm in the mood to do a few more windows - how many vintagey cottage curtains is too many in one house? Mmmm....
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