Saturday 11 August 2012

Project 10: Rainbow Fabric Baskets

I am not sure in what order we did this! It seems so long ago. Do I say that every post??!

I fell in love with these baskets after reading Denise Vanderlugt's book "Where Rainbows Live" and was glad to have a chance to make some of my own.

We used plastic shopping bags, cut into strips for the structure. We used strips of fabric and wrapped and threaded them around the plastic using a darning needle. It takes a couple of rows to work out the tension, too tight and you can't poke the next row through, too loose and the basket will collapse on itself. I recommend keeping your colours together for a little bit of order. 

We didn't finish any on the night! A few days later, Amanda turned one into a shallow open basket for keys and I have one as a lidded basket. I have started another that I am planning on giving as a present, although as always I tempted to keep it and start a collection. As for Kate, I think she tempted to also keep it as an open basket but is undecided. I will have to check on her progress and get back to you. Jess

1 comment:

  1. Wow - these look great. thank you so much for sharing.
